About The Projects
The film itself is pretty shallow. Seeing as anything more than
two minutes long is unreasonable, I wanted to go for something
which didn't really require complex character development and
intellectual messages. Hence the chase scene; everyone understands
a chase scene... the only twist, of course, being the varying
gravity fields of this world, and I felt that a chase scene would
be the perfect way to show how the world worked to the audience.
But there's a lot more to this world which unfortunately the
film doesn't even begin to explore. That's why I'm working on
a comic strip in parallel to this film, which hopefully should
have all the characterization, narrative and humour which the
film lacks. I should eventually have a section of this site dedicated
to the comic strip as well... depends how much I manage to keep
my laziness at bay...
Since writing the above, the comic book is finished. Here's
that bit I was talking about...
Here: have a monster

That filled up space nicely!