












Ah! Progress is what I would be making were I not working on this site. But:

1- I've had enough work for the day and

2- my brother doesn't like the lack of stuff on this site...

In any case, I'll be dumping all my work in progress here...

In this section, I'll be talking more about how I do things, and what I'm currently up to, rather than why or who these characters are. For that, you should go to the about section...

for non-animators, I have included a terminology page to explain some of the 3D animation jargon I use...

30 - 3 - 2005

I've finished the first version of the animation now. I've written a page about it too! I hope to go back to the animation however, once I've finished doing all the backgrounds and lighting. You can see how those are going here.

12 - 3 - 2005

Animating has started again in earnest. It took me a while to recover from the comic book, but today I've done a lot of animation, which I'm really quite pleased with. Will upload films eventually...

10 - 3 - 2005

Well, I've added a page explaining what changes I made to Dreg...

9 - 3 - 2005

Hmm, I've forgotten about this page... Well... as I've mentioned elsewhere, the comic book is now finished! As to the film, well I have actually been working on it. I spent a while actually re-modeling Dreg's head, so the making Dreg page is out of date. One day I'll write a page on what I actually did, and why. In the mean time, you can read about making the comic...

Also, animation has been started, and is what I'll be working on ferociously in the next few days...

Also, go to the films section to see runcycles for Dreg... though the final run cycle is a little different...

17 - 1 - 2005

Well now I've added the Making the Goon page. Hopefully I should be able to animate relateively soon...

To do: animate run cycles for both characters.

6 - 31 - 2004

So far, I've only done a section on how I created Dreg...

- The Goon

- Dreg

- Animation

- Back to Dreg

- Terminology

- The Comic



have a picture of Isabella:



©Michael Beeson 2004